want to get involved
On top of our two annual term-time auditioned shows, Footlights is now introducing new weekly workshops running from September to April.
These rotate weekly between music and dance workshops, providing members with a low-commitment opportunity to hone their skills, be involved in the society and make new friends for life! To join our community, join our WhatsApp Group below for all updates and communications.
Being a member of FOOTWORK also provides performing opportunities at our Main Show and Showchoir Fundraisers, as well as an additional Summer Showcase at the end of the year for those who wish to do so!
Back in July, we were on the hunt for a creative, and passionate team to choreograph and musical direct this new exciting venture! This is a great opportunity to hone your skills and work with a fantastic group, and is a much lower time commitment than our show production teams.
If you missed the application in July, do not worry!
After Semester 1 Reading week we will introduce a sign-up system for any keen members who want to try musical directing or choreographing a one-off workshop session, overseen by the production team. This is open to alumni as well - we always love seeing some familiar faces!
We’re looking for lots of theatre-loving individuals who want to be a part of the society! This is open to anyone and everyone of all abilities throughout the year. You can either choose to become a Footlights member and attend our sessions regularly as well as enjoying all the other perks of a Footlights membership, or you can attend on a drop-in basis, for which you will be charged a small fee for each workshop attendance. We also encourage attendance from our other show casts as members of the society, should they want even more Footlights fun!
Semester Footwork Membership - £5
Drop-In Attendance - £2 per session -
We will have our main two MDs running the fortnightly singing workshops (applications for this role open in July) however we encourage newcomers with an interest in trying musical direction without the pressure of doing a whole show to sign up to assist & run certain sessions too!
We’ll have our main two Choreographers running the fortnightly dancing workshops (applications for this role open in July) however we encourage newcomers with an interest in trying choreography without the pressure of doing a whole show to sign up to assist & run certain sessions too!